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Snellius membership form
* Verplichte vraag
E-mail *
First Name *
Jouw antwoord
Last Name *
Jouw antwoord
Birthday *
TUDelft email adress *
Which ends on in case you are a student
Jouw antwoord
Personal email adress *
We may want to contact you some time long after your tudelft email adress expires!
Jouw antwoord
Repeat personal email adress *
Jouw antwoord
Phone number *
Mobile number you currently use
Jouw antwoord
Home address: Street and number *
Jouw antwoord
Home address: Zip code *
Jouw antwoord
Home address: City *
Jouw antwoord
Nationality *
Jouw antwoord
Are you a student or PHD? *
Background *
What and where did you study? Study/University/Country
Jouw antwoord
In case of PhD: What is your PhD about?
Just out of interest!
Jouw antwoord
I agree to pay the mandatory membership fee.
Students: 15 Euro         PHD: 35 Euro
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