CIE4608 Atmospheric Observation
CIE4608 – Atmospheric observation – Q4 – 4 ECT
Taught by: Christine Unal, Tim Vlemmix, Pieternel Levelt, Dave Donovan
This course has a variety of subjects. The part of Christine is the largest subject of the course and mainly focuses on radar observations where Dave’s part is focusing on lidar observations. The part of Tim is about air quality and how to obtain it. It has a strong overlap with the subject covered in CIE4606 – Simulation and visualization. Pieternel Levelt also give two lectures about the satellite mission in which she is greatly involved.
The course exists of 3 three assignments (30% of total grade) (on radar observations, air quality and lidar observations) and 5 (small) homework assignments which are graded but hardly have influence with 7% on the total grade. The other 63% of the total grade are based on the exam.